• Tuesday,June 18,2024

Why did men have long hair in the 1970s, that became shorter later

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Why do many men stop wearing long hair after college? - Quora

Can an I.F.S. officer keep long hair while in service? - Quora

Were men allowed to have long hair in Franco era Spain? - Quora

In the 1970s, we were returning back to men having long hair again from the George Washington era. Why didn't it catch on? - Quora

What happened in the late 1970′s when long hair on men become shorter each succeeding year? Why didn't long hair styles on men last longer? - Quora

Was the combover the most popular style for balding men in the 1960s? - Quora

How does a guy do his hair to look like a 70's hairstyle? - Quora

Was the combover the most popular style for balding men in the 1960s? - Quora

Were men allowed to have long hair in 1970s China? - Quora

Why was long hair a popular look for boys in the 70s? - Quora

Are long haired men a common thing in your country? And how is it socially accepted? - Quora